Easily track who unlocked your device without your permission for FREE.
With Intruder Photo Log, you can see when other people looked at your device, and how long they spent on it.
Jealous boyfriend or girlfriend? no worries with this app you will be able to know when your partner is snooping on you phone.
Worried someone trying to hack your password? get notified on wrong password attempts!
Intruder Photo Log offers ability to set up a pin to keep the logs secure for unwanted eyes. Pictures taken will not appear in the phone gallery and are secured within the app.
Forgot your phone at home? Just login to your google drive and see who opens it from afar! (You will need to enable this first on your device inside intruder photo log application).
Include the following features:
★ Logs include, Selfie Photo taken from Camera, Apps used by intruder Date and Time & Duration of the time spent on the device.
★ Enable device admins to get notified on wrong password attempts.
★ Enable app usage to have a closer look at what your intruder was interested in.
★ Connect with google drive to be able to watch your log pictures from an personal computer (pc)
★ Set up a pin code to ensure that no one but you can see the log.
★ Configure the amount of days you want to save.
★ Save or delete specific logs.
★ Share logs with friends.
★ Smart unwatched logs notification to remind you to review the log.
★ Hidden camera that take photos in a selfie style anytime you open your device.
★ Disable and Enable the service from settings screen
★ No shutter sound when taking the picture, nobody will notice that the hidden camera taken the picture
★ Filter the result to show what you need at the moment:
a. Show all create logs
b. Show only logs you wish to save, in order to see previous saved logs
c. Show only logs when device was opened for more than 20 seconds in order to see what is actually important.
★ Multi Select and multi delete mode to allow you easier way to delete your logs.
Make sure the your device is secured and you privacy is guarded with Intruder Photo Log!
This app uses the Device Administrator permission.
If you enable device Admin you need to disable it before uninstalling the app,
You can do it from the application settings screen or device security settings.
Great reviews:
"Vinko Very good and useful app. Already got my girlfriend checking my mob which I long suspected but could not prove." ★★★★★
Aplikace Intruder Photo Log: Posviťte si na vetřelce v mobilu: https://www.svetandroida.cz/intruder-photo-log-201603
スマートフォンを勝手に使った人の顔写真をこっそり撮影するセキュリティアプリ: http://getnews.jp/archives/1422084
Descubra quem mexeu no seu smartphone sem sua permissão http://www.baixaki.com.br/android/download/intruder-photo-log.htm
Intruder Photo Log — Sprawdź, kto korzystał z twojego smartfona! http://antyapps.pl/intruder-photo-log-sprawdz-kto-korzystal-z-twojego-smartfona/
忘记你的手机在家里?只需登录到您的谷歌驱动器,看看谁从远方打开它! (您将需要启用这个第一设备上的内部入侵者的照片日志应用程序)。
“Vinko很好的和有用的应用程序。已经有了女友检查我的暴徒,我早就怀疑,但不能证明。” ★★★★★
Aplikace入侵者的照片日志:PosviťteSI NAvetřelcev mobilu:https://www.svetandroida.cz/intruder-photo-log-201603
Descubra终止日期mexeu没有SEU智能手机SEM SUApermissãohttp://www.baixaki.com.br/android/download/intruder-photo-log.htm
入侵者的照片日志 - Sprawdź,韩国旅游发展局korzystałžtwojego smartfona! http://antyapps.pl/intruder-photo-log-sprawdz-kto-korzystal-z-twojego-smartfona/